CERN (European Center for research in particle physics) is starting its biggest particle accelerator at its head quarters in Geneva.

Large Hadron Collider aerial view
The experiment that is being carried out could potentially create a tiny black hole that can suck in the world into itself.
Following is a conversation between me and my best friend
Faizan Marolia.
Krishna Reddy: Dude!
Krishna Reddy: Chill out!
Krishna Reddy: Leave work for he day immediaely... V ll chill ou for one las ime!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Faizaan Marolia: umm
Faizaan Marolia: we will mee around 6 na?
Faizaan Marolia: i have work ill hen
Krishna Reddy: well no poin in working!
Krishna Reddy: as he world is gonna end oday
Faizaan Marolia: huh? why is he world goin o end oday?
Krishna Reddy: Well LHC is saring oday
Faizaan Marolia: wha is LHC now?
Krishna Reddy: large hadron collider a CERN
Krishna Reddy: which can poenially creae iny blackhole(s)
Faizaan Marolia: ah
Faizaan Marolia: sahee hai.
Faizaan Marolia: you really are very well informed
Krishna Reddy: So hey can potentially suck up he whole world ino i
Faizaan Marolia: wowie.. prey cool..
Faizaan Marolia: hen our lapops, everyhing will go in here righ?
Faizaan Marolia: or will hey say here??
Krishna Reddy: Yesssssssssss!
Faizaan Marolia: oh. so we'll have o coninue working in here hen..
Krishna Reddy: has y here is no poin in working!!!
Krishna Reddy: hp
Faizaan Marolia: I don ge i
Faizaan Marolia: if we have o coninue working
Faizaan Marolia: i doesn' maer wheher we are here, or no here
Faizaan Marolia: we may no even know he difference..
Krishna Reddy: na all he lappies will vanish ino a small piece of mass
Faizaan Marolia: oh
Faizaan Marolia: has prey cool
Faizaan Marolia: will we be alive?
Krishna Reddy: Na, no as bodies... our souls will remain hovering all over, reslessly!
Faizaan Marolia: ah
Faizaan Marolia: u believe in souls and all ha
Faizaan Marolia: ?
Krishna Reddy: I don believe in i.... coz i know i
Faizaan Marolia: as in?
Krishna Reddy: u believe sumhing ha u don know only.....
Faizaan Marolia: why?
Krishna Reddy: bu u 'hink' "i is so"
Faizaan Marolia: bu you know ha souls exis?
Krishna Reddy: Yes
Krishna Reddy: If no hen wo else r u?
Krishna Reddy: A dead piece of mass?
Krishna Reddy: Wihou consciousness?
Faizaan Marolia: well, u can make big saemens - bu ne-ne, he quesion is, wheher you hink here is somehing ha remains afer life expires
Krishna Reddy: Well, when u experience ur pure consiousness, wihou mind and body, hen u realize "oh! his is wha I am!!"
Krishna Reddy: Then u will come o "know" ha u r indepen of body
Faizaan Marolia: well, u are your mind
Faizaan Marolia: ha is one and he same
Faizaan Marolia: and your consciousness ends when you die
Faizaan Marolia: do you believe in ha, or do you believe ha i persiss.. hovering abou somewhere in he universe
Krishna Reddy: yes ha (mind) is a sep closer o urself.... bu no, i is no you
Faizaan Marolia: accha. so u don believe in ha.
Faizaan Marolia: has all i wan o know.
Krishna Reddy: well u r no he mind.... as mind is houghs, feelings and oher menal phenomena
Faizaan Marolia: mind is also consciousness
Faizaan Marolia: being aware
Krishna Reddy: u can be "conscious" wihou mind....
Faizaan Marolia: i is no differen
Krishna Reddy: in a no-mind sae
Faizaan Marolia: na.. i don hink you could be conscious if u didn' have a mind
Krishna Reddy: u can b 'presen' and conscious even when he mind is no here, when her r no houghs
Faizaan Marolia: or some means of processing your sensory inpu
Faizaan Marolia: man.. wha do you mean by mind?
Krishna Reddy: well wihou consiousness u can hv mind - hos.
Krishna Reddy: bu he opposie is no rue...
Krishna Reddy: js like a dance can be here wihou dancer....
Krishna Reddy: bu he dancer can be here wihou dance
Krishna Reddy: mind is par of a larger hing called consciousness, no he oherway round
Faizaan Marolia: well, i hink he mind iself has given you consciousness.. whereas u believe i o be he oher way around..
Faizaan Marolia: has our basic disconnec
Krishna Reddy: Well, i define pure consciousness (consciness wihou mind) like his
Krishna Reddy: u know 'I am'.
Krishna Reddy: u are aware ha u are
Krishna Reddy: bu u don know wehre u r and wha u r
Krishna Reddy: "I am"
Krishna Reddy: No "I am his" or "I am ha" or "I am indian" or "I am s/w engrr"
Faizaan Marolia: we have a difference has wy more basic han ha
Krishna Reddy: Is like ocean is he vas consciousness and a wave is a mind
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