Monday, November 26, 2007

Random Articles

Pregnant Teens Common Among Dinosaurs
Odd Little Stars
Earth keeps Moon walkers from harm
Polar Bears Threatened By Hunting Policy Favoring The Killing Of Male Bears
6 Geniuses and 1 Entire Science That Never Won the Nobel

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Orkut Testimonial for Archana

This is what I wrote for Archana Gandhi today:

Hey Dulhanji!
This is my wedding gift to u as I could not personally attend.
Archana speaks soo fast that often I have to say "come again":)
She is a caring and ever-smiling BABE!

Wherever she goes, she takes the initiative and brings the situation under control.
In a huge party, she takes the charge and orders the food of ur choice without ur permission!
She figures out effortlessly what u would like to eat without even asking u even if u r meeting her for the 1st time!
When she is ur guest, u become her guest as she plays the host herself!
All of a sudden she flocks to ur home with a gang of 30 friends; then feeds everybody without ur help.
Her presence turns a huge crowd into one family!!
Being a Jain, she declares “I don’t eat onions as I am fasting”
Then immediately u will find her relishing her favorite cheese ONION Utappa!

Hey Archana,
U outshine the Sun, bringing light to the sun Himself!!!!
Kahaan Tum, aur kahaan Suraj??
Ur bubbly presence lights up the whole surroundings like
"Chirag tale andhera”[:)]

I wish u and ur hubby a great married life.
Best wishes as always

Friday, November 9, 2007

THE Perfect Date

I have written the following in my idea of a perfect first date in Orkut profile..... Lol

Perfect first date is a black or brown seedless date.
Perfect 2nd date is a black or brown seedless date!
(Pink is preferable if it exists)

2 dates at a time are enuf 2 keep u healthy :)

On a serious note, THE perfect date is a picnic-ride to the Andromeda Galaxy in an automated spaceship with only me (Krishna) and she (Radha) on board, traveling 728 times faster than light (I don't mind traveling back into time:)) ) !!
And watching together cosmic bodies like stars, black holes (I have made special gravitational lens goggles thru which u can "see" the black holes), nebulae as we pass by.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Happy Fuzz-man!! - My Orkut Testimonial

Krishna Reddy and Faizaan Marolia in the Jogger's Park in front of the world trade center, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai

Krishna Reddy, Fuzzy, World Trade Center n Joggers' Park at Cuffe Parade, Mumbai

As I said earlier, words find their futility in expressing the length and breadth and depth of Fuzzy's vastness!
And even these 3 dimensions r not good enuf to capture him!
Add to them Einstein's fourth dimension - time. Still no use!
And Fuzzy-dear doesn't fit into even the 26 dimensional space of the superstring theory!!!!!!
That confirms the existence of parallel universes! . Looool!

Well, there have been people who are smart enough to express the inexpressible!
Like Narada Maharishi who had successfully described Love in his famous treatise Narada Bhakti Sutras (aphorisms of love).
And Ashtavakra Maharishi who exposed the Highest truth to King Janaka.
Or Vasishta who made Lord Rama understand the Highest Knowledge (Well, Matrix movie is based on this knowledge!)
Amol Mujumdar who can elucidate a complex computer architecture in crystal clear and least number of words!

Attempting to describe Fuzzy would be equally a Mission Impossible, so doing this Herculean task will put you alongside with these great people!

Here is a small tribute, my birthday gift, to a great man!!!

So dearest Fuzzy, wish you many many rocking returns of the day every day!!

The first thing u notice about Fuzzy is he is very humble, down-to-earth, sweet and innocent.
Then why so much intro 4 such a simple guy??????
Well, he is innocent like a child, yet extraordinarily wise - a rare combination!
When u call him up, the way he greets you with a “Hello” that is fully loaded with a gushing enthu n love (which itself is unique every time!), lightens up ur day!

Fuzzy’s mesmerizing music ranges from spell-binding Raaga Bhairavi on an elec guitar! to rocking Rock to classy classical Mozart!
And he is unrivaled in wherevuh and whatevuh he does.. acou/elec/classical guitar or piano or vocals to name a few...
And he is a poet and a great writer that would have Douglas Adams and Dan Brown envy. I'm serious :)
And he would be the first one in the town to get the passes for Pink Floyd or Beyonce concert or…!

What more?
A total geek!
One of the best Computer wizards I have ever known.
He has two publications to his credit - a paper in an international journal and a chapter in a book published by American Cancer Society.
Each of which he managed to do with a week's "hard" (??) work!
That too when he was still an undergraduate!!
Having done a carefree bachelors in EE and a rather nbdu masters in CSE both at IITB, he is at ease at giving u any fundaes on a spectrum of subjects ranging from robotics
to encoding ur signals into bits to mining the mysterious data and artificial intelligence to Indian politics and history, solving partial differential equations of 10th order and 100 variables, and not to mention women’s psychology and breast cancer :))

Other lighter "colors "/"frequencies" of the spectrum include but not limited to!!:
Number theory of Pure Mathematics.
Euclidean geometry
Non-euclidean geometries
Fractals theory
Fourier analysis

Sardar and non-sardar jokes

And he is a good teacher and orator adroit at giving PPT’s (pre placement talks)

He perfects the art of effortlessly "pataoing" "babes", a skill that he seems to have acquired from his past life-times!
However he has an enormous respect for the feminine gender.
And he is too handsome and sweet for any female to resist!
Sweet because he gives you his best, yet expects the least from u and accepts everybody on an “as is and where is” basis :)

Faizaan Malolia is sooooo gentle (a trait I think is hereditary in all Parsis including Homi Bhabha and Tatas :))) a man that, in the so many years that I have known him, he never uttered a single harsh word, even behind somebody’s back.
But then it does not mean that he is too foolish to let u fool or be foolish!
He is firm enuf 2 slap & put u back on track but with a knack that doesn’t hurt u!!
But he is often a happy victim of his lil sister Hemisha’s teasing and preaching!!

He is full of strength, immense kindness, enthu (but never overexcited!), always happy, bubbly, humble, unconditionally loving, caring, resourceful, peaceful etc etc...
Well, it’s rather easier to say what he does not have; else the list will be endless! Lolz!!
In short, putting together all the good adjectives with superlatives and nouns in all the world languages will not suffice 2 capture Fuzzy!

But then, he can not shop for his own clothes, which is the duty of his younger sister or parents!!
But at times, he does not only a wonderful cooking (see the below pic) but also happily cleans up all the utensils to make his folks and friends happy :)

This is Faizaan Marolia for you! Believe or not... None of this is an exaggeration!

So Fuzz-man! Have a greaaaat blast and a greaaaat year ahead (Btw, u seem 2 b getting younger every year :)))
Also, dude, I wish that u get a cat-eyed chick soon.
And wish that all your talents and knowledge will be even more useful to the mankind.

(This is my Orkut Testimonial for my best friend Faizaan Marolia

Krishna Reddy and Faizaan Marolia relishing early morning black tea (Faizaan made it!) after the jogEarly morning black tea (Fuzzy made it!) just after the jog

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Help needed!

Please help me remove this bug from this code????

#include <>
#define LAST 10

int main()
int i, sum = 0;

for ( i = 1; i < = LAST; i++ )
sum += i;
printf("sum = %d\n", sum);
return 0;

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elusive Enlightenment

As we all know, enlightement is very elusive.
Well, not soo elusive!
I will discuss this some other time.
For now, enjoy this video and a beautiful musical piece by Vikram Hazra from Sri Sri Ravishankar's brand Art of Living.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ishare @ rediff

Rediff has just launched Ishare

TV Remote

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Taj retains its position

Taj Mahal by KrishnaVeni Reddy

The New 7 Wonders Foundation,
a Swiss non-profit group led by author-filmmaker Bernerd Weber declared Taj Mahal (picture courtesy my friend Krishna Veni Reddy), at a flashy ceremony in held in Lisbon, as one of the new seven wonders of the world on 07-07-07 after a seven year long worldwide online and sms survey.

Among others is Rome's
Colosseum, shown in braveheart.

Check these:
Taj Mahal joins Wonders of the World list | Images

The Colosseum, courtsey: Puzzle House

The Colosseum, courtsey: Puzzle House

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I wonder why!

I wonder why, I wonder why
I wonder why I wonder
I wonder why, I wonder why
I wonder why I wonder why!!
-- From Richard Feynman's childhood writings

This is my first blog.
Well, I wonder why I have named my blog I wonder why!