Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elusive Enlightenment

As we all know, enlightement is very elusive.
Well, not soo elusive!
I will discuss this some other time.
For now, enjoy this video and a beautiful musical piece by Vikram Hazra from Sri Sri Ravishankar's brand Art of Living.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ishare @ rediff

Rediff has just launched Ishare

TV Remote

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Taj retains its position

Taj Mahal by KrishnaVeni Reddy

The New 7 Wonders Foundation,
a Swiss non-profit group led by author-filmmaker Bernerd Weber declared Taj Mahal (picture courtesy my friend Krishna Veni Reddy), at a flashy ceremony in held in Lisbon, as one of the new seven wonders of the world on 07-07-07 after a seven year long worldwide online and sms survey.

Among others is Rome's
Colosseum, shown in braveheart.

Check these:
Taj Mahal joins Wonders of the World list | Images

The Colosseum, courtsey: Puzzle House

The Colosseum, courtsey: Puzzle House