Monday, November 10, 2008

Ramesh' birthday bash at rediff

Ramesh' birthday bash at rediff, Mumbai

Ramesh' birthday bash at rediff

Ramesh' birthday bash at rediff, Mumbai

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dirty Mind.....

It was professor smith's first day at St. Johns medical college as a faculty. Known for his teaching excellence, he made his entry into a classroom of 1st year medical students, where he received a warm welcome from the students, followed by their intro.

To start with, he planned to put forth a question to the class. He said, "Well students, before we start off with today's lecture, let me ask you a simple question on human anatomy".

He gazed across the classroom, spotted a female student Suzie, and said, "Tell me Suzie, which part of the human body grows 10 times its original size when excited?"

Hearing this question, Suzie's face grew pale in embarrassment, she replied:" you should be ashamed to ask such a question to a female. I am sorry, but I can't answer your, this question".

Thwarted by the girl's reply, professor smith rolled on his sight around the classroom afresh, to find out if there was anyone else who could satisfy his query.

This time he located a male student Henry, who had already raised his hand in affirmation to answer the question, and allowed the lad to go ahead.

Henry answered: "pupil of a human eye".

The professor applauded for the boy's accurate answer; then turned back to Suzie and said: "look, Suzie, I am sorry but, I must tell you a couple of things:

(1) You lack knowledge

(2) You have a dirty mind and

(3) Your Expectations are too high !!! (10 times .. .. Huh .. .. MY GOD !!! )

Monday, October 27, 2008

Darshana's Rangoli this year!

Darshana Munde's rangoli at office

Darshana Munde's Rangoli at our office on this Diwali.
Amazing is her passion; she came all the way to our office at 1:30 am after her busy day, though she had quit the company long ago! Hats off Darshana for your talent coupled with passion!
This is one of the best rangolis I have ever seen! It is a free hand Rangoli.

Darshana's Rangoli this year!

Darshana Munde's rangoli at office

Darshana Munde's Rangoli at our office on this Diwali.
Amazing is her passion; she came all the way to our office at 1:30 am after her busy day, though she had quit the company long ago! Hats off Darshana for your talent coupled with passion!
This is one of the best rangolis I have ever seen! It is a free hand Rangoli.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Economic recession affects your matriomonial prospects

The global recessionary trends have affected the young employees of the Indian software industry in Hyderabad in more than one way.

In matrimonial Utsav by Deccan Chronicle, parents of nubile girls expressed fear in marrying off their daughters to the hot-till-now IT professionals.

While on one hand it is has spelt job loss fear, on the other hand, the parents of brides-to-be are no longer in search of IT grooms for their daughters.

The global recessionary trends have certainly scared the parents of would be brides who have apprehensions about the fluctuating signs in the information technology sector.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rehearsal at St Michael Church

Music rehearsal by kids at the legendary St Michael Church, Mumbai

St. Michael Church at Lady Jamshedji Road, Mahim, Bombay

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ganesh Festival 2008 at Mumbai

Ganesh immersion 2008 in Arabian sea at Girgaon Chowpatty beach, Marine Drive, Mumbai.

This is the first movie from my new Sony handycam. Its a cool model with 40x optical zoom! (digital zoom is 2000x). It doesn't have the hassles of video cassette and DVD..
It has a kewl 30 GB hard disk.

Homeless in Mumbai

This is the video of a woman whose family lives on street at Opera House.
They make a living by collecting and selling raddi.
When they don't have money, they beg. Or collect elusive currency coins at Chowpatty beach near Marine drive in Mumbai.

Abdul Kalam talks: Big Bang Experiment spells no trouble

Tags: Big Bang, CERN, Switzerland, Large Hadron Collider, Elementary Particle Physics

Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
CERN (European Center for research in particle physics) is starting its biggest particle accelerator at its head quarters in Geneva.

Large Hadron Collider aerial view

The experiment that is being carried out could potentially create a tiny black hole that can suck in the world into itself.

Following is a conversation between me and my best friend Faizan Marolia.

Krishna Reddy: Dude!

Krishna Reddy: Chill out!

Krishna Reddy: Leave work for he day immediaely... V ll chill ou for one las ime!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faizaan Marolia: umm

Faizaan Marolia: we will mee around 6 na?

Faizaan Marolia: i have work ill hen

Krishna Reddy: well no poin in working!

Krishna Reddy: as he world is gonna end oday

Faizaan Marolia: huh? why is he world goin o end oday?

Krishna Reddy: Well LHC is saring oday

Faizaan Marolia: wha is LHC now?

Krishna Reddy: large hadron collider a CERN

Krishna Reddy: which can poenially creae iny blackhole(s)

Faizaan Marolia: ah

Faizaan Marolia: sahee hai.

Faizaan Marolia: you really are very well informed

Krishna Reddy: So hey can potentially suck up he whole world ino i

Faizaan Marolia: wowie.. prey cool..

Faizaan Marolia: hen our lapops, everyhing will go in here righ?

Faizaan Marolia: or will hey say here??

Krishna Reddy: Yesssssssssss!

Faizaan Marolia: oh. so we'll have o coninue working in here hen..

Krishna Reddy: has y here is no poin in working!!!

Krishna Reddy: hp

Faizaan Marolia: I don ge i

Faizaan Marolia: if we have o coninue working

Faizaan Marolia: i doesn' maer wheher we are here, or no here

Faizaan Marolia: we may no even know he difference..

Krishna Reddy: na all he lappies will vanish ino a small piece of mass

Faizaan Marolia: oh

Faizaan Marolia: has prey cool

Faizaan Marolia: will we be alive?

Krishna Reddy: Na, no as bodies... our souls will remain hovering all over, reslessly!

Faizaan Marolia: ah

Faizaan Marolia: u believe in souls and all ha

Faizaan Marolia: ?

Krishna Reddy: I don believe in i.... coz i know i

Faizaan Marolia: as in?

Krishna Reddy: u believe sumhing ha u don know only.....

Faizaan Marolia: why?

Krishna Reddy: bu u 'hink' "i is so"

Faizaan Marolia: bu you know ha souls exis?

Krishna Reddy: Yes

Krishna Reddy: If no hen wo else r u?

Krishna Reddy: A dead piece of mass?

Krishna Reddy: Wihou consciousness?

Faizaan Marolia: well, u can make big saemens - bu ne-ne, he quesion is, wheher you hink here is somehing ha remains afer life expires

Krishna Reddy: Well, when u experience ur pure consiousness, wihou mind and body, hen u realize "oh! his is wha I am!!"

Krishna Reddy: Then u will come o "know" ha u r indepen of body

Faizaan Marolia: well, u are your mind

Faizaan Marolia: ha is one and he same

Faizaan Marolia: and your consciousness ends when you die

Faizaan Marolia: do you believe in ha, or do you believe ha i persiss.. hovering abou somewhere in he universe

Krishna Reddy: yes ha (mind) is a sep closer o urself.... bu no, i is no you

Faizaan Marolia: accha. so u don believe in ha.

Faizaan Marolia: has all i wan o know.

Krishna Reddy: well u r no he mind.... as mind is houghs, feelings and oher menal phenomena

Faizaan Marolia: mind is also consciousness

Faizaan Marolia: being aware

Krishna Reddy: u can be "conscious" wihou mind....

Faizaan Marolia: i is no differen

Krishna Reddy: in a no-mind sae

Faizaan Marolia: na.. i don hink you could be conscious if u didn' have a mind

Krishna Reddy: u can b 'presen' and conscious even when he mind is no here, when her r no houghs

Faizaan Marolia: or some means of processing your sensory inpu

Faizaan Marolia: man.. wha do you mean by mind?

Krishna Reddy: well wihou consiousness u can hv mind - hos.

Krishna Reddy: bu he opposie is no rue...

Krishna Reddy: js like a dance can be here wihou dancer....

Krishna Reddy: bu he dancer can be here wihou dance

Krishna Reddy: mind is par of a larger hing called consciousness, no he oherway round

Faizaan Marolia: well, i hink he mind iself has given you consciousness.. whereas u believe i o be he oher way around..

Faizaan Marolia: has our basic disconnec

Krishna Reddy: Well, i define pure consciousness (consciness wihou mind) like his

Krishna Reddy: u know 'I am'.

Krishna Reddy: u are aware ha u are

Krishna Reddy: bu u don know wehre u r and wha u r

Krishna Reddy: "I am"

Krishna Reddy: No "I am his" or "I am ha" or "I am indian" or "I am s/w engrr"

Faizaan Marolia: we have a difference has wy more basic han ha

Krishna Reddy: Is like ocean is he vas consciousness and a wave is a mind

Beijing Olympics 3D video by Google Earth

Google Earth Video on Beijing Olympics 2008

When Fuel Prices Go High

Tags: car Fuel funny Gas High Joey Prices Ramone What Wonderful World

Clean your food/drink cans, packaging, boxes

This is information worth sharing

A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in Maui, Hawaii.

When he got back, he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse/rat droppings in some areas. A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to vomit.

He went to bed and never really got up again. Within two days he was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the emergency at Pali-Momi, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly before midnight.

No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse or exposed to dried rat/mouse dropping s at any time. They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings.

Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails to wash face and hands thoroughly.

An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions.

This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on.

Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents.

Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes and cans.

The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper-class, super store has rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does!

Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw. The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned.

Please forward this message to the people you care about.

Infinite loop - How will you come out of it??? :)


Too good!!
Boss said to secretary: For a week we will go abroad,
so make arrangement.
Secretary makes call to Husband: For a week my boss and
I will be going abroad, you look after yourself.
Husband make call to secret lover: My wife is going
abroad for a week, so lets spend the week together.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving
private tution: I have work for a week, so you need
not come for class.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, for a
week I don't have class 'coz my teacher is busy. Lets
spend the week together.
Grandpa(the 1st boss ;) ) make call to his secretary: This week I am
spending my time with my grandson. We cannot attend
that meeting.
Secretary make call to her husband: This week my boss
has some work, we cancelled our trip.
Husband make call to secret lover: We cannot spend
this week together, my wife has cancelled her trip.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving
private tution: This week we will have class as usual.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, my
teacher said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I
can't give you company.
Grandpa make call to his secretary: Don't worry this
week we will attend that meeting, so make arrangement .
This is called deadlock

Calculus for beginners

How do you make Calculus easy and enjoyable for kids who are just starting to learn it? Well, I am pondering over this as a niece of mine has just started taking her first calculus lessons. So I am writing this article, especially for her. Calculus is an ubiquitous branch of mathematics having applications in many fields including physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, biology, economics etc. In fact all the technological advancements that we enjoy today would not have been possible without this important branch of mathematics!

Historically the credit for inventing calculus goes to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. There was some work done in this field by earlier people including, the Indian mathematician, Bhāskara of 12th century.

Calculus can be simply defined as study of change. What change? Any change for example, movement is a change. Movement is change of the position (and shape) of an object with time.

: The following example from Wikipedia nicely illustrates Tangent line as a limit of secant lines. The derivative f′(x) of a curve at a point is the slope of the line tangent to that curve at that point. This slope is determined by considering the limiting value of the slopes of secant lines.
Tangent line as a limit of secant lines.  The derivative f′(x) of a curve at a point is the slope of the line tangent to  that curve at that point. This slope is determined by considering the limiting value of the slopes of secant lines.
Here the function involved (drawn in red) is f(x) = x3x. The tangent line (in green) which passes through the point (−3/2, −15/8) has a slope of 23/4. Note that the vertical and horizontal scales in this image are different.

Differentiation: When two (or more) related variables change, how does a change in one variable affects the other variable? What is the change rate at any given point? This change rate is defined as a derivative. And the process of obtaining derivative of a function f(x) with respect x is called differentiation.

Integration: Suppose we have an object that moves at a speed (rate of change of distance) that itself changes with time. What will be the cumulative distance traveled by the object over a period of time? Then we have integration that can answer this question.

Here are some of the useful sites to understand the concepts of calculus.
  • General introduction to calculus (Wikipedia)
  • Definition of the Derivative includes explanation, with illustrations, of the physical and geometrical concepts of the derivative.
  • Calculus on Wikibooks has simple and good online tutorials on calculus.
  • For advanced calculus students, MIT open course ware has many calculus courses part of its mathematics courses. All these lessons have online and downloadable versions including videos lessons. These courses cover a spectrum of subjects ranging from single variable calculus to multi-variable partial differential equations to mathematical analysis. and its applications
Does anybody have best ways/tools to teach calculus?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ganesh Festival 2008 at Mumbai

Ganesh immersion 2008 in Arabian sea at Girgaon Chowpatty beach, Marine Drive, Mumbai.

This is the first movie from my new Sony handycam. Its a cool model with 40x optical zoom! (digital zoom is 2000x). It doesn't have the hassles of video cassette and DVD..
It has a kewl 30 GB hard disk.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Street Life Part - 1

This is the video of a woman whose family lives on street at Opera House.
They make a living by collecting and selling raddi.
When they don't have money, they beg. Or collect elusive currency coins at Chowpatty beach near Marine drive in Mumbai.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Abdul Kalam talks: Big Bang Experiment spells no trouble

Tags: Big Bang, CERN, Switzerland, Large Hadron Collider, Elementary Particle Physics

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
CERN (European Center for research in particle physics) is starting its biggest particle accelerator at its head quarters in Geneva.

Large Hadron Collider aerial view

The experiment that is being carried out could potentially create a tiny black hole that can suck in the world into itself.

Following is a conversation between me and my best friend Faizan Marolia.

Krishna Reddy: Dude!

Krishna Reddy: Chill out!

Krishna Reddy: Leave work for he day immediaely... V ll chill ou for one las ime!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faizaan Marolia: umm

Faizaan Marolia: we will mee around 6 na?

Faizaan Marolia: i have work ill hen

Krishna Reddy: well no poin in working!

Krishna Reddy: as he world is gonna end oday

Faizaan Marolia: huh? why is he world goin o end oday?

Krishna Reddy: Well LHC is saring oday

Faizaan Marolia: wha is LHC now?

Krishna Reddy: large hadron collider a CERN

Krishna Reddy: which can poenially creae iny blackhole(s)

Faizaan Marolia: ah

Faizaan Marolia: sahee hai.

Faizaan Marolia: you really are very well informed

Krishna Reddy: So hey can potentially suck up he whole world ino i

Faizaan Marolia: wowie.. prey cool..

Faizaan Marolia: hen our lapops, everyhing will go in here righ?

Faizaan Marolia: or will hey say here??

Krishna Reddy: Yesssssssssss!

Faizaan Marolia: oh. so we'll have o coninue working in here hen..

Krishna Reddy: has y here is no poin in working!!!

Krishna Reddy: hp

Faizaan Marolia: I don ge i

Faizaan Marolia: if we have o coninue working

Faizaan Marolia: i doesn' maer wheher we are here, or no here

Faizaan Marolia: we may no even know he difference..

Krishna Reddy: na all he lappies will vanish ino a small piece of mass

Faizaan Marolia: oh

Faizaan Marolia: has prey cool

Faizaan Marolia: will we be alive?

Krishna Reddy: Na, no as bodies... our souls will remain hovering all over, reslessly!

Faizaan Marolia: ah

Faizaan Marolia: u believe in souls and all ha

Faizaan Marolia: ?

Krishna Reddy: I don believe in i.... coz i know i

Faizaan Marolia: as in?

Krishna Reddy: u believe sumhing ha u don know only.....

Faizaan Marolia: why?

Krishna Reddy: bu u 'hink' "i is so"

Faizaan Marolia: bu you know ha souls exis?

Krishna Reddy: Yes

Krishna Reddy: If no hen wo else r u?

Krishna Reddy: A dead piece of mass?

Krishna Reddy: Wihou consciousness?

Faizaan Marolia: well, u can make big saemens - bu ne-ne, he quesion is, wheher you hink here is somehing ha remains afer life expires

Krishna Reddy: Well, when u experience ur pure consiousness, wihou mind and body, hen u realize "oh! his is wha I am!!"

Krishna Reddy: Then u will come o "know" ha u r indepen of body

Faizaan Marolia: well, u are your mind

Faizaan Marolia: ha is one and he same

Faizaan Marolia: and your consciousness ends when you die

Faizaan Marolia: do you believe in ha, or do you believe ha i persiss.. hovering abou somewhere in he universe

Krishna Reddy: yes ha (mind) is a sep closer o urself.... bu no, i is no you

Faizaan Marolia: accha. so u don believe in ha.

Faizaan Marolia: has all i wan o know.

Krishna Reddy: well u r no he mind.... as mind is houghs, feelings and oher menal phenomena

Faizaan Marolia: mind is also consciousness

Faizaan Marolia: being aware

Krishna Reddy: u can be "conscious" wihou mind....

Faizaan Marolia: i is no differen

Krishna Reddy: in a no-mind sae

Faizaan Marolia: na.. i don hink you could be conscious if u didn' have a mind

Krishna Reddy: u can b 'presen' and conscious even when he mind is no here, when her r no houghs

Faizaan Marolia: or some means of processing your sensory inpu

Faizaan Marolia: man.. wha do you mean by mind?

Krishna Reddy: well wihou consiousness u can hv mind - hos.

Krishna Reddy: bu he opposie is no rue...

Krishna Reddy: js like a dance can be here wihou dancer....

Krishna Reddy: bu he dancer can be here wihou dance

Krishna Reddy: mind is par of a larger hing called consciousness, no he oherway round

Faizaan Marolia: well, i hink he mind iself has given you consciousness.. whereas u believe i o be he oher way around..

Faizaan Marolia: has our basic disconnec

Krishna Reddy: Well, i define pure consciousness (consciness wihou mind) like his

Krishna Reddy: u know 'I am'.

Krishna Reddy: u are aware ha u are

Krishna Reddy: bu u don know wehre u r and wha u r

Krishna Reddy: "I am"

Krishna Reddy: No "I am his" or "I am ha" or "I am indian" or "I am s/w engrr"

Faizaan Marolia: we have a difference has wy more basic han ha

Krishna Reddy: Is like ocean is he vas consciousness and a wave is a mind

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beijing Olympics 3D video by Google Earth

Google Earth Video on Beijing Olympics 2008

When Fuel Prices Go High

Tags: car Fuel funny Gas High Joey Prices Ramone What Wonderful World

Clean your food/drink cans, packaging, boxes

This is information worth sharing

A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in Maui, Hawaii.

When he got back, he was complaining that the storeroom was really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse/rat droppings in some areas. A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down with stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and began to vomit.

He went to bed and never really got up again. Within two days he was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was rushed to the emergency at Pali-Momi, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly before midnight.

No one would have made the connection between his job and his death, had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a warehouse or exposed to dried rat/mouse dropping s at any time. They said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and mouse droppings.

Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or fails to wash face and hands thoroughly.

An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the doctor's suspicions.

This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off the tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta packaging, cereal boxes, and so on.

Almost everything you buy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another, and stores themselves often have rodents.

Most of us remember to wash vegetables and fruits but never think of boxes and cans.

The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper-class, super store has rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does!

Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is not available, drink with a straw. The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually infested with rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets without being properly cleaned.

Please forward this message to the people you care about.

Infinite loop - How will you come out of it??? :)


Too good!!
Boss said to secretary: For a week we will go abroad,
so make arrangement.
Secretary makes call to Husband: For a week my boss and
I will be going abroad, you look after yourself.
Husband make call to secret lover: My wife is going
abroad for a week, so lets spend the week together.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving
private tution: I have work for a week, so you need
not come for class.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, for a
week I don't have class 'coz my teacher is busy. Lets
spend the week together.
Grandpa(the 1st boss ;) ) make call to his secretary: This week I am
spending my time with my grandson. We cannot attend
that meeting.
Secretary make call to her husband: This week my boss
has some work, we cancelled our trip.
Husband make call to secret lover: We cannot spend
this week together, my wife has cancelled her trip.
Secret lover make call to small boy whom she is giving
private tution: This week we will have class as usual.
Small boy make call to his grandfather: Grandpa, my
teacher said this week I have to attend class. Sorry I
can't give you company.
Grandpa make call to his secretary: Don't worry this
week we will attend that meeting, so make arrangement .
This is called deadlock

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ant & Grasshopper - The modern story of modern India!

Ant and grasshopper Revisited

Well, my newest movie will be on these lines!

Everyone might have heard of the "Ant and Grasshopper" story as a child.
If u haven't, this is the original story

The ant worked hard all summer, building his house and stocking up supplies for the harsh winter. The grasshopper thinks ant is a fool and laughs and dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper neither has food nor shelter, so he dies out in the cold."

The Story has changed.

he Modern Version:

"When winter arrives,
The grasshopper calls a press conference & demands to know why ant should be allowed to be warm & well fed while others are cold and shivering.
Media shows up to provide pics of Shivering grasshopper next to video of an ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The world is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor fellow is allowed to suffer so?

Activists stage a demonstartion in front of Ant's House.
They go on fast along with other grasshoppers demanding their relocation to warmer climates during winter.
International Charity Org. and World body criticizes the Indian govt for not upholding the fundamental rights of grasshopper.
Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the grasshopper.
(many promising heaven and peace for support else Wrath of God)

Opposition in Indian Parliament stage a walk-out.
Left calls for "India Bandh" (ie. strike) in W.Bengal n Kerala
In Kerala, law is passed preventing Ants from working hard in heat to bring about Equality of Poverty
Rail Ministry allocates one free coach to grasshoppers on all Indian railway trains, called 'Grasshopper Rath'
POTAGA (Prevention Of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act) is passed.
Education Ministry, makes special reservations for them in edu. institutes and Govt services.

Ant is fined under POTAGA, house confiscated and handed over to Grasshopper in a cermony covered by Media.
Grasshopper is invited to address UN General Assembly.

Many years later.... Ant has migrated to US.
He sets up a multi-million $ company in Silicon Valley.
Hundreds of grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India.

As a result, we are loosing a lot of hard working ants and feeding the grasshopper, India is still a developing Country...."

This is a story i came across as a forwarded email, a few days back. The message it carries cannot be ignored. Even though it is written with an Indian Backdrop, it is valid for many other countries.
This point of view towards Social Justice cannot be ignored when implementing it.

Ant & Grasshopper - The modern story of modern India!

Ant and grasshopper Revisited

Well, my newest movie will be on these lines.

Everyone might have heard of the "Ant and Grasshopper" story as a child.
If u haven't, this is the original story

The ant worked hard all summer, building his house and stocking up supplies for the harsh winter. The grasshopper thinks ant is a fool and laughs and dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper neither has food nor shelter, so he dies out in the cold."

The Story has changed.

he Modern Version:

"When winter arrives,
The grasshopper calls a press conference & demands to know why ant should be allowed to be warm & well fed while others are cold and shivering.
Media shows up to provide pics of Shivering grasshopper next to video of an ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
The world is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor fellow is allowed to suffer so?

Activists stage a demonstartion in front of Ant's House.
They go on fast along with other grasshoppers demanding their relocation to warmer climates during winter.
International Charity Org. and World body criticizes the Indian govt for not upholding the fundamental rights of grasshopper.
Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the grasshopper.
(many promising heaven and peace for support else Wrath of God)

Opposition in Indian Parliament stage a walk-out.
Left calls for "India Bandh" (ie. strike) in W.Bengal n Kerala
In Kerala, law is passed preventing Ants from working hard in heat to bring about Equality of Poverty
Rail Ministry allocates one free coach to grasshoppers on all Indian railway trains, called 'Grasshopper Rath'
POTAGA (Prevention Of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act) is passed.
Education Ministry, makes special reservations for them in edu. institutes and Govt services.

Ant is fined under POTAGA, house confiscated and handed over to Grasshopper in a cermony covered by Media.
Grasshopper is invited to address UN General Assembly.

Many years later.... Ant has migrated to US.
He sets up a multi-million $ company in Silicon Valley.
Hundreds of grasshoppers still die of stravation despite reservation somewhere in India.

As a result, we are loosing a lot of hard working ants and feeding the grasshopper, India is still a developing Country...."

This is a story i came across as a forwarded email, a few days back. The message it carries cannot be ignored. Even though it is written with an Indian Backdrop, it is valid for many other countries.
This point of view towards Social Justice cannot be ignored when implementing it.